Blue and white morning glories
Climbed the wire fence,
Separating my own back yard from Ouida’s.
Don’t know who planted the vines,
Nor do I know who made the fence.
I do know who snipped and snapped,
Thick work gloves on her hands,
Wire-pliers bit ‘til a way was formed
Just for me to step through.
Her yard was alive with blossoms and birds.
Sweet peas stood tall in a variety of colors.
She knew about nurturing plants, dogs, children…
And kept a clear path from that fence to her back door.
Called me by name
when I appeared for our daily visit.
Ouida rocked by the stove in her kitchen,
back and forth, listening with love.
It was her calling.
I know about Love’s welcome.
I have known Ouida.
The Opening
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About the Author
Elaine is a playwright, storyteller and memoir writer in Memphis, Tennessee. She has written and performed three plays: “For Goodness Sake,” “Skin and Bones” and “Good People.” She has written three children’s books: Help Me Remember: Bible Stories for Children, published by Pilgrim Press 2003, Maggie Scott’s Head Got Stuck, self-published by Archway Publishing and Honey Comb, also self-published by Archway. She teaches creative writing workshops. She is the pastor of First Christian Church in Union City, Tennessee. She lives with her wife, Anna Neal, and their cat, Alex.