Currently Featured Authors
Aubrey Green
Aubrey Green is a freelance editor, poet, and storyteller living just outside Tulsa, Oklahoma. Her work has appeared in The Talon Literary Journal and Brio magazine. She enjoys rewriting terrible movie plots and spent almost a year living in China. Coffee is her love language.
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Morris McCorvey
Morris McCorvey served as an artist-in-residence schools for the Oklahoma Arts Council for almost 9 years; Program Coordinator for the Westside Community Center here in Bartlesville for a decade; and, Executive director of the Westside Community Center 15 yrs.; Dad, Coach and Papa 30+ years now. Morris passed away in September 2024… our words live on even after we make the final transition.
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Adrian Frost
Adrian Frost is a sculptor, installation artist, performance/recording artist, poet/filmmaker, and writer. He was born in Cornwall, England and attended St. Martin’s in London. He was a visiting professor at London University, Reading University, Kingston College in the UK and the Art Institute in Bergen, Norway. His U.S. teaching credits include visiting artist/professor at UC Davis, University of Chicago Midwest, Warwick CC, Rhode Island, and Poughkeepsie CC, NY. His paintings and sculpture have been exhibited in Britain, Australia and the U.S. He currently resides in Eureka Springs, AR.
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Zhenya Yevtushenko
Zhenya Yevtushenko is one of the sons of the late poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko. He is a published translator, a former substitute teacher and funeral home consultant. Currently, Zhenya has resumed pursuing his undergraduate degrees in Political Science, History and English. Zhenya aspires to become a Foreign Service Officer and a literary translator. He resides in Tulsa, Oklahoma and owes his inspiration to his brothers, his mother, and to the love of his life, Olivia.
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Georgia Choate
Georgia Choate lives in Rogers, Arkansas. Currently writing her first manuscript of poetry for publication, she is compelled by human behavior, the natural world, traveling, and showing others her findings in poetic words. Writing fiction and poetry since childhood, she received her B.A. in Print Journalism, 1996, from Harding University in Arkansas.
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Joanie Roberts
I am a beginning author, writer, and poet exploring the worlds of poetry, nature, and photography. I love capturing ordinary moments and reflecting upon our natural world and its intersections with daily life. Performing at Bella Vista’s Farmers Market, Bentonville’s First Friday, Eureka Springs’ White Street Art Walk, and the Writers Colony at Dairy Hollow’s PoetLuck. I am a member of Ozark Mountain Poets, Ozark Writers League, and Poets Northwest Roundtable of Arkansas.
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Brian Mosher
Brian Mosher is a writer and poet whose work has appeared in Books and Pieces, Confetti, Rituals, Coneflower Cafe, Written Tales, Oddball Magazine, Alien Buddha Zine, Esoterica Magazine, Half and One Magazine and Verse Wrights.
His poetry chapbook, “Dreams and Other Magic” (2023) is published by Alien Buddha Press.
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Linda Neal Reising
Linda Neal Reising is a native of Oklahoma and citizen of the Cherokee Nation. Her books
include: Re-Writing Family History (Finishing Line), The Keeping (Finishing Line), Stone Roses
(Kelsay Books), and VIVIA-The Legend of Vivia Thomas: A Novelette in Poems (Kelsay Books),
and Perpetual Astonishment (Beyond Words Press). Forthcoming are Navigation (Kelsay Books)
and Cigar Box of Loss: Stories from Route 66 (Belle Point Press).
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Lea Ann Crisp
Lea Ann Crisp is an award-winning writer who has always loved writing poetry and short stories. She first began writing children’s books when she was a young mother. She has published two children’s books, We Need the Dark and Ryan’s Pirates.
Crisp received national recognition for her work in graphic design and advertising before transitioning to a second career in Human Resources and ultimately starting her own business. She resides in the Ozarks where she spends as much time as possible in nature and is an avid birder. Besides writing, she enjoys painting and cooking.
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Kwanele Buthelezi
As a budding writer and psychology enthusiast, I balance my passion for storytelling with academic pursuits. Currently, I'm a first-year student at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, laying the groundwork for a career in psychology.I am 19 years old this year , originally from a small town called KwaNongoma .In her spare time, she dedicates her time in reading and reciting poetry, finding solace .She is a devotee of art that believes that art resides in all of us and we as well are art .
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Antonia Love
(Antonia Love) Toni Huffman, grew up in Houston, Texas. Now, living in the Ozarks for 20 years, she is enjoying adventure and nature. She was an educator for 36 years, still a world traveler and now retired, focusing on completing writing projects. President: Ozark Mountain Poets (branch of PRA). Recent publications: poems in e-Merge Magazine, 2023-2024, SLANT Magazine, 2023. Won 2023 Woody Barlow Poetry Prize, nominated for Pushcart Prize. Poem in Spring 2024, Cantos: A Literary Journal.
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Kathryn Lorenzen
Kathryn Lorenzen is a career coach, creativity coach, songwriter, and poet. Her songs and recordings have appeared in feature films and TV series including The Americans and Last Man On Earth. With an earlier career in copywriting and marketing communications, she is now a career coach to freelance writers and artists seeking livelihood in support of their art. In partnership with Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, she is co-leader of Your Right Livelihood, and you can find more about Kathryn at
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Audell Shelburne
Audell Shelburne has published poems in a number of journals and anthologies, including descant, Borderlands: Texas Poetry Review, di-verse-city, Loud Coffee, Alchemy and Miracles, Verse Virtual, and others. He is currently dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Northeastern State Oklahoma in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, where he has previously taught poetry and other courses in literature since 2011. He enjoys spending time with his wife and kids, pretending to cook, and dabbling in watercolors.
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Morada Rivera
Morada Rivera is a mixed Puerto Rican American author and librettist, actively developing a musical that echoes the themes of RENT, La boheme, and Hell's Kitchen. Residing with her dog, you'll always find her humming a new idea, scribbling a new short story, and rhyming words out loud.
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Terry Lynn Rhoades
I currently work as an executive with a global advertising agency. I have a BS in Physical Science from the University of Central Arkansas, and an MBA from Webster University, and I am a certified Project Management Professional. I am an avid outdoorsman, and my hobbies include fishing, hunting, music, and poetry. I am an amateur songwriter and recently started writing poetry. I hope that others enjoy my experiences through my poetry.
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Jeffrey Kingman
Jeffrey Kingman's poetry collection, BEYOND THAT HILL I GATHER, was published by Finishing Line Press in June of 2021. He is the winner of the 2018 Eyelands Book Award (Greece) for an unpublished poetry book, and a finalist in the 2022 Prime Number Magazine Award for Poetry. He has poems published in PANK, Clackamas Literary Review, Visitant, and others. He has a Master’s degree in Music Composition and has been playing drums in rock bands most of his life.
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Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg, Ph.D., the 2009-13 Kansas Poet Laureate is the author of 24 books, including How Time Moves: New & Selected Poems; Miriam's Well, a novel; Needle in the Bone, a non-fiction book on the Holocaust; The Sky Begins At Your Feet: A Memoir on Cancer, Community, and Coming Home to the Body. Founder of Transformative Language Arts, she leads writing workshops widely, coaches people on writing and right livelihood, and consults on creativity.
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David Cleofas Avila
Having experienced psychosis as a teen, later diagnosed with schizophrenia, David Cleofas Avila writes and makes art & music in order to better square away the sequelae of life. David’s art has been published in the 2024 Fall issues of Peatsmoke Journal and Gabby & Min. His music is highlighted in Wordgathering and can be heard on spotify, itunes, and other online outlets. His poetry has been published in Oddball Magazine, The Poetry Cove, and accepted into WILDsound Writing Festival.
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Abby Caplin
Abby Caplin’s poems have appeared in AGNI, Catamaran, Midwest Quarterly, Pennsylvania English, North American Review, Salt Hill, The Southampton Review, and elsewhere. Among her awards, she has been a finalist for the Rash Award in Poetry, The Poetry Box Chapbook Prize, and a nominee for Best New Poets, Best of the Net, and the Pushcart Prize. She is the author of A Doctor Only Pretends: poems about illness, death, and in-between (2022). Abby is a physician in San Francisco, California.
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Linda Meg Frith
Linda Meg Frith is retired Social Worker and long time member of Green River Writers. She credits them with her growth and development as a poet. She has published poetry in River and South, Calliope, Women Who Write, and the Dallas Rainbow NOW newsletter. She is currently working on a collection of poems about mindfulness.
Linda Meg lives with her chihuahua, Jasmine, in Louisville, KY.
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Daniel P. Stokes
Daniel P. Stokes has published poetry widely in literary magazines in Ireland, Britain, the U.S.A. and Canada, and has won several poetry prizes. He has written three stage plays which have been professionally produced in Dublin, London and at the Edinburgh Festival.
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Sharon Scholl
Sharon Scholl is a retired college teacher who convenes a poetry critique group and maintains a website ( of her original music compositions to donate to small, liberal churches. At age 92, she hopes to wind up life with a flourish.
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Stephen Mead
Stephen Mead is a retired Civil Servant, having worked two decades for three state agencies. Before that his more personally fulfilling career was fifteen years in healthcare. Throughout all these jobs he was able to find time for writing poetry/essays, and creating art. Occasionally he even got paid for this work. Currently he is resident artist/curator for The Chroma Museum, artistic renderings of LGBTQI historical figures, organizations and allies predominantly before Stonewall.
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Merrill Cole
Merrill Cole (he/him) teaches literature, creative writing, and queer studies at Western Illinois University. His poems have appeared in, or are forthcoming from, such venues as Denver Quarterly, New York Quarterly, Cutbank Literary Review, Bellevue Literary Review, and Women's Studies Quarterly.
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Harrison Fisher
Harrison Fisher received his M.A. from the Writing Seminars at the Johns Hopkins University and a Doctor of Arts from SUNY-Albany. He held an NEA fellowship in poetry in 1978. From 1980-82, he edited and published the photocopied visual arts/poetry zine Bingo Chow. He has appeared in 250 magazines and has published twelve collections of poems since 1977, most recently Poematics of the Hyperbloody Real. He is retired from public service and lives in upstate New York.
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Ferdinan Ngomba Vevanje
Ferdinan Ngomba Vevanje is currently a student in the National Advanced School of Public Works (NASPW) Annex-Buea. He has a strong passion for poetry but is still a fledging poet. In a bit to develop his passion he has been writing a couple of poems on different themes. He has not published any of his poems yet so he is scouting for opportunities where he can publish his myriad of poems.
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Jeanean Doherty
As a voracious reader from the first time she discovered Wonder books, Jeanean dreamed of writing a novel “someday.” In retirement, she recently discovered writers’ groups, conferences, and contests. She’s encouraged to have won numerous awards and is thrilled to see her work published, confirming she is no longer a wanna-be but is, in fact, an author. Finally, she realized her dream and completed an extensively researched historical novel while writing shorter pieces to improve her craft.
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Elism J. Mars
Elism J. Mars (they/them/theirs) is an up-and-coming queer poet, playwright, and speculative fiction author from the San Francisco Bay Area. Playwright of the award-winning short play "For the Dead and Lonely." Alumni of Sonoma State University. Spends most of their time in the space inside where the impossible goes to die. Intends to change the world. Can be found at @elismjmars on Instagram, @j_elism on X and Elism J Mars on Facebook.
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Jessica Hannon
People have told me I can write since I was young. I finally started to believe them and put myself out there, now that I’m in my 40’s. I write because it feels like therapy. Collecting all the feelings that are cycling around in my head helps me to process and give them a proper place. The fact that it entertains people at the very least, and helps them at the very best is what gives me fuel to keep going. I believe we should all leave this world a little better place than how we found it.
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Frank Diamond
Frank Diamond’s poem, “Labor Day,” was nominated for a Pushcart Prize Award. His short stories have appeared in RavensPerch, the Examined Life Journal, Nzuri Journal of Coastline College, and the Fredericksburg Literary & Art Review, among many other publications. He has had poetry published in many publications. He lives in Langhorne, Pa.
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Ronda Del Boccio
Rev. Dr. Ronda Del Boccio is an international speaker and best-selling author who has won awards for fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and memoir. Although Ronda is mostly blind, she doesn't let that stop her from doing what she wants to do. She has also won awards for her art, photography, and cooking. Ronda is the current president of the Ozarks Writers League.
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Pauline Chu
Pauline Chu is a Vietnamese American poet from California. She aspires to write about the space between borders, both mental and physical. In addition to being a Grubstreet scholarship recipient, she is affiliated with Mass Poetry, Insight Meditation Society, and Cambridge Insight Meditation Center. She currently resides in Somerville, MA.
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Former Contributors
- Lela Tunnell
- A. Johnston
- Aaron Kavanagh
- Abbi B.
- Abby Caplin
- Adrian Frost
- Aileen Bartlett
- Al Larson
- Alison Schuh Hawsey
- Allison Landa
- Amy Taylor
- Anchal Singh
- Andrea A. Firth
- Ann Kathryn Kelly
- Ann Privateer
- Anna Gall
- Anna Robertson
- Annie Klier Newcomer
- Anonymous
- Antonia Love
- Aubrey Green
- Audell Shelburne
- Audrey Kallenberger
- Barbara Siegel Carlson
- Belinda Bruner
- Beth Hannah
- Beverly Gordon
- Bill McCloud
- Brian Mosher
- Brianne Grothe
- Bruce K. Berger
- Bruce Robinson
- C.D. White
- Calissa Kirilenko
- Cara Bianca
- Carol Perenchio
- Carol Willis
- Carolyn Colmer
- Carolyn Dahl
- Carra Leah Hood
- Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
- Cat Templeton
- Catherine Buercklin
- Chad Gurley
- Charles Templeton
- Chelsea Whittington
- Chere Dastugue Coen
- Cheryl King
- Chidera Solomon Anikpe
- Chloe Evans-Cross
- Christine Irving
- Christy Prahl
- Claire Collins
- Courtney Harler
- Crescent Dragonwagon
- Crow Johnson Evans
- Cynthia Gallaher
- D. L. Lang
- Dan Morris
- Dani Kuntz
- Daniel Krotz
- Daniel Lenois
- Daniel P. Stokes
- Darlene Graf
- Darren Chase
- David Cleofas Avila
- David Summerfield
- David Thornburgh
- Debbie Cutler
- Deepa Davy
- Deirdre Fagan
- Dennis Etzel Jr.
- Dennis Pappenfus
- Dera R. Williams
- Diane Wiener
- Dirk van Nouhuys
- Don Mitchell
- Donna Hanson
- DW McKinney
- Elaine Alarcon
- Elaine Blanchard
- Elaine McMilian
- Elisa Korenne
- Elism J. Mars
- Elizabeth G. Howard
- Elizabeth Marrero
- Ellaraine Lockie
- Emmanuel Akintoye
- Erica Harmon
- Erikka Dunn
- Erin McGrane
- Evelyn Krieger
- F.C. Shultz
- Faune Vita
- Ferdinan Ngomba Vevanje
- Ferit Lamaj
- Francis Hicks
- Frank Diamond
- Fred Yu
- Gale Acuff
- Garon Stephens
- George Freek
- George Plautz
- Georgia Choate
- Greg Zeck
- Harrison Fisher
- Helen Ikerd Johnson
- Hilka West-Irvin
- Holly Ellison
- Howard Stein
- Jack Albert
- Jackie Cruz-Wagener
- Jacqueline Woven
- Jamie Lynn Heller
- Jamie Scott
- Jan Edwards Hemming
- Janet Yeager
- Jay Vrecenak
- Jeanean Doherty
- Jeffrey Kingman
- Jen Fischer
- Jeremy Hance
- Jerry Davis
- Jessica Cloud
- Jessica Hannon
- Joan Baril
- Joan Harris
- Joanie Roberts
- Jocelyn Morelli
- Jody Karr
- John Dorroh
- John Ganshaw
- John L. Swainston
- John Rankine
- John Walch
- Jojo O’Such
- Jonathan Chibuike Ukah
- Jonathan Harper
- Joy Clark
- Joy Nevin Axelson
- Joyce Hanewinkel
- Judy Nickles
- Julie Hoffman
- Julie Peterson Freeman
- Karen J. Cantrell
- Kate Kaiser
- Kathryn Lorenzen
- Kathy Attwood
- Kathy Martone
- Ken Waldman
- Kenneth Weene
- Khadidja Bouchellia
- Kim McCully-Mobley
- Kirk Ashworth
- Kristin Hunt
- Kwanele Buthelezi
- Kyle Stück
- Larry Mansker
- Laura Lapins Willis
- Laura Matson Hahn
- Laura Shell
- Lauren Ferebee
- Laurence Foshee
- Laurie Marshall
- Laurie Murphy
- Lea Ann Crisp
- Levi Harmon
- Linda Dimitroff
- Linda Meg Frith
- Linda Neal Reising
- Lisa Madison Leraas
- Lisbeth McCarty
- Lissa Lord
- Liza Wolff-Francis
- Lonnie Whitaker
- Louise Krug
- Lourdes Dolores Follins
- Lucilla Garrett
- Lynn Packham Larson
- Madison Hu
- Majella Pinto
- Mariellen Griffith
- Mark Lewandowski
- Martha Anne Toll
- Martin J. Smith
- Mary Lewis
- Mary Lou Moran
- Matilda Pinto
- Matt Landig
- Matt Laufer
- Maxine Schur
- Maxine Thompson
- Megan Kirk
- Melia Snyder
- Melissa Milton
- Merrill Cole
- Mia Marion
- Michael Brownstein
- Michael Fontana
- Michele Mekel
- Michelle Jones
- Mike Sledge
- Milton Ehrlich
- Morada Rivera
- Morris McCorvey
- Nan Mahon
- Nancy Paddock
- Natalie Reid
- Nguy ễn Phan Quế Mai
- Nidhi Agrawal
- Nikki Hanna
- Pat Murphy McClelland
- Patricia Carlozzi
- Patricia Evans Jordan
- Patricia Trentacoste
- Patsy Creedy
- Pauline Chu
- Pedro Henrique da Silva Lino
- Peggy Harris Dionne
- Peggy Kjelgaard
- Pei-Ching Tseng
- Philip Cioffari
- Raquel Lesser
- Raven Nobles
- Ray Shermer
- Rhonda Owen
- Rita Herrmann
- Ron Wallace
- Ronda Del Boccio
- Ruth Mitchell
- Ruth Nasrullah
- Ruth Weinstein
- Sallie Crotty
- Samantha Jones
- Samantha Savello
- Sandra Jackson-Opoku
- Sandra Korey
- Sandra Ostrander
- Sangeetha Amarnath Kamath
- Sarah Butkovic
- Scarlett Savoy
- Shahryar Eskandari Zanjani
- Shalini Singh
- Shana Ritter
- Sharleis Dunn
- Sharon Scholl
- Sharon Spurlin
- Sheri Bancroft
- Sherri Buerky
- Sherri C. Perry
- Sheryl Loeffler
- Shin Yu Pai
- Sidney Brammer
- Silence Dogood
- simone j. banks
- Sonali Sharma
- Sonya Vann DeLoach
- Sreekanth Kopuri
- Stephen Mead
- Steve Nelson
- Susan Hendel
- Susan Maki
- Suzanne Janney Howard
- Suzanne McConnell
- Syakina Nour
- T. Daniel Wright
- Teresa Pelliccio Devito
- Terry Lynn Rhoades
- Thadeus Emmanuel
- Tim Hackler
- Todd Sukany
- Tom Gorsuch
- Treziel Mae Mayores
- Vallery Lomas
- Veda Boyd Jones
- Vicki Mayk
- Victoria Moffatt
- Violet Treadwell Hull
- Wendy Taylor Carlisle
- William Bernhardt
- William Jack Sibley
- Woody Barlow
- Yermiyahu Ahron Taub
- Zeek Taylor
- Zhenya Yevtushenko