Sitting in the neighbor’s rusted swing
With my daughter in my lap-
Felt sad-
Said the day would come
When I could no longer hold her. She replied,
“I can sit beside you. You can always
Hold my legs.” Innocence too charming
To smother with laughter or words…
Joy was in the swinging-
Violets under the weeping willow,
Magnolia in great bloom with velvety
Brown petals at its base…
Began to wonder why on earth
I would want to hold your legs while
Rusted swing squeaked us back and forth.
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About the Author
Elaine is a playwright, storyteller and memoir writer in Memphis, Tennessee. She has written and performed three plays: “For Goodness Sake,” “Skin and Bones” and “Good People.” She has written three children’s books: Help Me Remember: Bible Stories for Children, published by Pilgrim Press 2003, Maggie Scott’s Head Got Stuck, self-published by Archway Publishing and Honey Comb, also self-published by Archway. She teaches creative writing workshops. She is the pastor of First Christian Church in Union City, Tennessee. She lives with her wife, Anna Neal, and their cat, Alex.