Like the pristine face of brand-new doll
that rolls off a factory assembly line
with sparkling eyes and kissable lips,
she looks as immaculate as the Blessed Virgin Mary.
She celebrates life at the age of 90 in an unblemished face,
having never set foot into a beauty parlor.
I’m gobsmacked when I see her looking brand new.
When I’m near her, my heart begins to pound
and I growl like a lion in the Serengeti fields of Tanzania.
She Always Looks Brand New No Matter How Old She Gets
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About the Author
Milton P. Ehrlich Ph.D. is an 88-year-old psychologist and a veteran of the Korean War. He has published poems in The Antigonish Review, London Grip, Arc Poetry Magazine, Descant Literary Magazine, Wisconsin Review, Red Wheelbarrow, Christian Science Monitor, and The New York Times.