Euripides and Wigbert
had Hedge Fund fathers
who taught them the art
of insider trading.
They became friends
with Pedro, a scholarship
student from Medellin,
who had a drug cartel stepfather.
The privileged sons
polished all the jewels
between the thighs
of country club young ladies.
In later years bought an Oyster1225
superyacht of sail, capable
of making the trip
from Columbia to Miami.
Pedro offered them a chance
to earn a billion dollars
transporting a ton of cocaine.
They were apprehended
off the coast of the Florida Keys
and are once again roommates
in a federal penitentiary.
Ivy League Roommates II
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About the Author
Milton P. Ehrlich Ph.D. is an 88-year-old psychologist and a veteran of the Korean War. He has published poems in The Antigonish Review, London Grip, Arc Poetry Magazine, Descant Literary Magazine, Wisconsin Review, Red Wheelbarrow, Christian Science Monitor, and The New York Times.