Issue 9: Winter 2021

Major changes are coming to eMerge! The Writers’ Colony at Dairy Hollow (WCDH) is always exploring and discovering new ways to promote our writers and expand our support for the writing process. Along with eMerge, WCDH provides many opportunities for writers to share their work and market their ideas.

If you get the opportunity, listen to one of WCDH’s podcasts at Write Now at the Writers’ Colony’s podcasts. Chad Gurley, our Colony Coordinator, conducts the most informative podcast interviews with a variety of writers who have stayed at the Colony. If you aspire to write, these are worth a listen!

In an effort to promote and assist our writers with marketing their work, we have formed a WCDH group on Goodreads. You can request to join by going to our WCDH Goodreads Group. We encourage our group to write positive reviews, provide ratings for members, and share with your Goodreads friends.

All things considered, the Colony has managed to adapt, adjust, and expand during the terrible pandemic we have all experienced during 2020, that has managed to continue into 2021. This creativity is given wings by our Executive Director and staff at the Colony and affirmed by a phenomenal Board of Directors. Our alums and champions continue to provide the Colony with support, financial and/or emotional, which is esteemed by our writing community.

Thank you!

Until Next Time,
I Remain,
Just another Zororastafarian editor wondering if I make a typo, do the errorists win?

Table of Contents

  1. Pushcart Prize Nominees
    by Charles Templeton
  2. Rocky Road
    by Zhenya Yevtushenko
  3. 2020 Sunsets - January - Peace and Tranquility: Calm Before the Storm
    by Peggy Kjelgaard
  4. Tequila - 1964
    by Morris McCorvey
  5. Upon Reflecting
    by Sharon Spurlin
  6. Shrimp Filé Gumbo
    by Laura Lapins Willis
  7. Baggage: Confessions of a Globe-Trotting Hypochondriac
    by Jeremy Hance
  8. We Are but Windows
    by Brianne Grothe
  9. I Mourn
    by Scarlett Savoy
  10. Almost Gone
    by Caryn Mirriam-Goldberg
  11. My Arkansas
    by Joanie Roberts
  12. Broken Arrows and Broken Bows
    by Belinda Bruner
  13. 2020 Sunsets - February - Passion and Love
    by Peggy Kjelgaard
  14. Burlap String Theory
    by Patsy Creedy
  15. My Red Shoes
    by Annie Klier Newcomer
  16. Encounter
    by Melissa Milton
  17. Drinking Alone
    by Fred Yu
  18. A January Warmth
    by Bill McCloud
  19. Moonshine
    by T. Daniel Wright
  20. First Visit to Eureka
    by Peggy Harris Dionne
  21. Coming Clean
    by Darlene Graf
  22. 2020 Sunsets - March - Beaming Ray of Hope
    by Peggy Kjelgaard
  23. This Winter, the Ozarks Turned Off Hot
    by Wendy Taylor Carlisle
  24. Dorothy’s Discourse on Love as Poetic Theme
    by Laurence Foshee
  25. Cranberry-Orange Scones
    by Anna Gall
  26. A Poem (in explanation)
    by Bill McCloud
  27. The Herb Rosemary
    by Cynthia Gallaher
  28. O! Christmas Tree
    by Joan Harris
  29. Daughters
    by Elaine Blanchard
  30. Still Not Dead Yet
    by Kathy Martone
  31. PurrFect Priorities
    by Ellaraine Lockie
  32. The Trouble with Apples
    by Sheryl Loeffler
  33. You Know How it is...
    by Adrian Frost
  34. The Dark Puzzle of My Brother Dave
    by Martin J. Smith
  35. Boxes in the Attic
    by Kenneth Weene
  36. Bounce
    by Gale Acuff
  37. The Backyard
    by Erica Harmon
  38. Little Brother
    by Julie Peterson Freeman
  39. Pandemic #3
    by John L. Swainston
  40. "Bravery Shattered It"
    by Melissa Milton
  41. Issue 9: Winter 2021
    by Charles Templeton

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About the Author

Charles Templeton is the author of the best-selling, surreal historical novel, Boot: A Sorta Novel of Vietnam. When he is not singing at the Metropolitan Opera, you can find him in Eureka Springs, where he is currently an editor/publisher at eMerge, an online literary magazine. Charles wakes up daily and is thankful for the opportunity to offer creative literature to a diverse audience from emerging and established authors. He knows that whatever vicissitudes life throws at him, it will always be better than shovelin’ shit in the South China Sea.