Call me by the name you knew (me by)
when last we knew each other
lemongrass, soot
lightening, eel
Speak to me in the way (you did)
when I was comet dust, and you were fire
when I was angel fish, and you were silt
at the bottom of the world.
Greet me with the touch I know (as you did)
when I was paint, and you were rain
when I was lint, and you a window
opening inward
Love me as you always will (and always have)
even when you are eyelid, and I am tear
even when you are a porcupine’s quill
and I am helium, lifting a green balloon
Paper, rock, scissors, sunlight
placenta, peach, ash, nail
Neither created nor destroyed
not creator or destroyer, ever
we will be a part of All.
Even when you are the marigold
bursting from my grave