A Splendid Life/An Ode to Mary Oliver

In the golden meadows where wildflowers sway
Where the sun’s warm fingers gently play
I seek a life of splendid grace
In nature’s embrace, my heart finds its place

Like Mary Oliver, with time that stands
Her spirit wild
Her words like silken strands
I yearn to savor life’s simple delight
To bask in wonder from morning till night

I rise with the dawn as the world awakes
The sky ablaze, a canvas it makes
The larks sing melodies, loud and clear
Their songs an unchained symphony for all to hear

Through whispering woods, I wander free
Where ancient trees share their stories with me
Their branches reaching towards the skies
A testament to strength that never lies

I follow the rivers as they dance and flow
Carving their path, where secrets may grow
They teach me to adapt and let go
To embrace the changes of life will bestow

In the embrace of mountains tall
I find my spirit rise, my worries fall
Their mighty peaks, a symbol of might
Remind me of my own inner light

I cherish the company of creatures great and small
The hummingbird’s flight, the fox’s call
For in their presence, I learn to be 
With open eyes and a heart that is free

And when the day gives way to night
I bathe in the moon’s soft silver light
Gazing at the stars – infinite and bright
They remind me of my place in this wondrous plight

Oh, to live a life of splendid grace
To find solace in nature’s embrace
Like Mary Oliver, I aspire to be
One who finds wonder in every tree

For life’s true riches, lie not in gold
But in the stories, that nature unfolds
In the moments with earth’s grand show
A splendid life, where love can grow

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About the Author

Hilka is a Minnesota native, who made Eureka Springs her home in 2014. She is a self- taught artist that works in various mediums- oils, acrylics, watercolor – all reflective of her mindset. She also writes poetry and short stories to fulfill her creative soul. Her work has been described as eclectic because she tends to paint & write from instinct instead of expectation. She enjoys working outside of her comfort zone and expressing herself through art & writing , which is always evolving.

Hilka West-Irvin
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