The Mourning Dove

As sunlight breaks the clouds above 
a Spring mist rises from the ground.
I listen to a Mourning Dove
and find some comfort in his sound.
My parents lived a life of love
now they have gone where angels trod.
But I’m not mournful with the dove
for hand-in-hand they walk with God.

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About the Author

Lea Ann Crisp is an award-winning writer who has always loved writing poetry and short stories. She first began writing children’s books when she was a young mother. She has published two children’s books, We Need the Dark and Ryan’s Pirates.

Crisp received national recognition for her work in graphic design and advertising before transitioning to a second career in Human Resources and ultimately starting her own business. She resides in the Ozarks where she spends as much time as possible in nature and is an avid birder. Besides writing, she enjoys painting and cooking.

Lea Ann Crisp
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