After Norman Rockwell, “Tough Call” (1949)
Play ball, Rocky:
hey umps, yes, I’m weighing in here,
play ball, Rocky,
a minor inundation; hell,
possibly because it’s April
the season’s young, you may as well
play ball, Rocky.
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After Norman Rockwell, “Tough Call” (1949)
Play ball, Rocky:
hey umps, yes, I’m weighing in here,
play ball, Rocky,
a minor inundation; hell,
possibly because it’s April
the season’s young, you may as well
play ball, Rocky.
Recent work by Bruce Robinson appears or is forthcoming in Pangyrus, Evening Street Review, Rattle, Spoon River Poetry Review, Seventh Quarry, and Maintenant. He lives in Brooklyn and Albany, NY along with two cats, both of whom are trying to get published.