my friend feeds rats to a hawk
rat catchers come to her house
and trap the rats in cages and kill them 
then she carries the rat cages to the reservoir 
and holds the dead rats up by their tails
for the hawk to swoop down and seize
and miraculously the hawk comes
she is brave to do that I think 
so close to a raptor’s heartbeat 
to the wing that could put out her eye 
or knock her down and I envy her 
the joy of that wildness and cherish 
the picture of her wind-blown hair and her
standing firm and the hawk approaching

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About the Author

Wendy Taylor Carlisle lives in the Arkansas Ozarks. She is the author of four books, including, The Mercy of Traffic, winner of the Phillip H. McMath 2020 Post-Publication Award and five chapbooks. Her work appears in Atlanta Review, Mom Egg Review, pacificREVIEW and this spring Doubleback Books reprinted her 2008 book, Discount Fireworks as a free download.