Keep Reading

When the lights flicker out,
and hope is but a memory,
keep reading.

Remember that things
look messy in the middle
of any good tale.

Don’t curse the story
even when the pages are
damp with tears.

Because light shines through
the grayest chapters.

Dear reader,
keep laughing.
keep dreaming.

For in the end,
good will triumph.

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About the Author

Abbi B. is a college student who loves writing novels, short stories, and poetry. Her work has been featured in the Bluegrass Accolade. She was also a finalist in the high school short story division of the 2022 KET Young Writers Contest. As a Christian, Abbi loves to create art that speaks of hope and new beginnings. She hopes you feel refreshed as you read her work.

Abbi B.
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