Time Out at the swimming pool,
when parents swam their empty laps
and we met at the parking lot fence,
where honeysuckle twined
and made us almost sick
with its sweet scent,
and stripped the two-lipped flowers from the vine
and licked the nectar with our tongues,
summer after long, sweet summer,
until we learned
what real sweetness was,
treading water in each other’s arms,
until we learned
what else our hands and mouths could try.
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About the Author
Sheryl Loeffler is a Canadian writer and musician. Her poetry has been published in literary magazines in Canada, the USA, the UK, Austria, and Japan. In 2005, she moved to the Mediterranean island of Malta, returning to Canada in 2006. In May 2014, A Land in the Storytelling Sea, her book of poems, prose poems, and photographs born in and about Malta, was published by FARAXA Publishing, Rabat, Malta. She was elected to membership in the League of Canadian Poets in 2015.She was resident at the colony for two months in 2017. She was nominated for a Pushcart Prize in 2019.