Death came
to the door,
wrapped in
downy wings
the color
of dusk.
Wearing eyes
of pale blue sky,
she bent low
to kiss cold,
parched lips,
taking a last
Submissions for 2025 are closed! Notifications of publication will be sent out shortly.
Death came
to the door,
wrapped in
downy wings
the color
of dusk.
Wearing eyes
of pale blue sky,
she bent low
to kiss cold,
parched lips,
taking a last
Living in Happy Valley, Michele Mekel wears many hats of her choosing: writer and editor; educator and bioethicist; poetess and creatrix; cat herder and chief can opener; witch and woman; and, above all, human. She is also a co-principal investigator for the Viral Imaginations: COVID-19 project (