Letter to The Stranger I met in The Bus Today .
Dear Stranger ,
I don’t know if it is okay to call you My stranger ,Or call you the girl with a pink cardigan ,who sat by the window with a pink journal on her hand and a plush sky-blue teddy bear hanging by her backpack .I noticed that today you were slightly agitated , I wondered if you still remembered me , stranger . I wondered if you remembered the red haired girl who shared a table with you on your first day in high school , but mostly I wonder if you stopped ...cutting yourself or at least remember that you kissed a girl on your sixth month of high school and described it as the most magical thing you had ever seen on earth ,I remember that you loved singing so much that Fridays were always scheduled for Karaoke and doughnuts and weed . I wonder if you remember dragging me across the hallway straight to the garden of your home by the time we both turned sixteen and making love to me , as the sun set across the sky . I wonder if you remember showing me where your favourite flowers were planted , tulips to be exact . I wonder if you remember how terrified we both were when you finally hit him back with a knife deep in his throat on the day of prom because I remember everything clearly . I remember your bloody hands , I remember your under pants hanging by your knees when you finally saw what you had done . Dear stranger , I remember the tulips becoming your least favourite flowers on your garden , I remember that you stopped wearing anything that has pink . I remember that you stopped kissing my lips or holding my hands , I remember vividly that you stopped going to Karaoke on Friday nights and smoking everything your hands came across . Dear Stranger , I wonder if you remember me , the red haired girl you forgot existed . Dear stranger , I wonder if you remember how you forgot to live , I wonder if its you , I wonder if you eventually swam ashore and stopped drowning .
To the Stranger I met on the bus today , I wonder if you still remembered me , or that tulips were your favourite flowers , or that you rolled me my first huge blunt , or that you loved singing , I wonder if the colour pink is your favourite colour again .