Antifa Memo

"Memo from Antifa"  by "FreedomHackerEagle1"

The following report was posted on the Dark Web by a hacker known only as "FreedomHackerEagle1".  This denizen of the dark claims to have intercepted and (mostly) decrypted this message from an Antifa regional director to the Antifa National Executive Committee.

For obvious reasons I cannot reveal how I accessed this part of the Dark Web nor reveal my identity (safety of my family and friends, as well as myself).

The report, according to "FreedomHackerEagle1":

From:  Antifa SouthEast Region Executive Director <aser.exec.antif[decryption error 6 bytes]
To:  Antifa National Executive Committee <>
Subject:  "Project Darwin"  update
Sensitivity:  Eyes only; shred electronically after reading

It with great pleasure that we send you the most recent results from our Red States "Project Darwin".  This program has been very successful, exceeding our goals by over 88%.  Below we report on the individual program activities.

Note that "Project Darwin" was approved by our comrades of the Antifa National Executive Committee to include all Red States, even though some of those are not technically within the Antifa SouthEast Region (ASER) territory.  We appreci[decryption error 29 bytes]ocal Antifa Committees from those states, and gratefully acknowledge that our results would not have been possible without their assistance.

Executive Overview
"Project Darwin" is an umbrella disinformation project comprising eight individual programs.  All programs tie, directly or indirectly, to the core objective of encouraging behavior by red state fascists that will reduce their voting numbers, primarily through death, inability to reproduce, or ignorance.

All individual programs are separately funded and managed.  Each program is overseen by the Program Comrade-In-Charge (PCIC) who provides monthly, quarterly and annual status reports to the ASER Executive Committee, who, in turn report to th[decryption error 22 bytes]utive Committee.


1.  Anti-Vax (PCIC Comrade CeruleanBozo )
In red states 82% of blue voters have had the latest Covid shot but only 18% of red voters.  This has led to 340% higher death rates for fascist voters.  Comrade CeruleanBozo primarily spreads anti-vax propaganda via social media.

2.  Pet Anti-Vax  (PCIC Comrade SerrantoPepper)
Cases of domestic pet rabies have skyrocketed in red states as fascists refuse to immunize their pets.  It is still too early to tell if fascist child deaths will increase, but we are hopeful.  It is much better to eliminate them before they attain voting age.

3.  2nd Amendment (PCIC Comrade RamboBLMbo)
Loosening restrictions on the purchase and carrying of handguns has been dramatically successful:  the top 7 states by murder rate in 2020 were Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Missouri, Arkansas, South Carolina, and Tennessee.  Red state homicides far outpace those in blue states, even when considering higher crime urban areas.  Red states are killing their fascist selves off at a rate 242% faster than blue states.

4.  Tik-Tok (youth outreach)  (PCIC Comrade Carmelita)
Tik-Tok challenges (think back: who can hold 12 Fizzies in their mouth the longest?) are ubiquitous and of great concern to parents.  Comrade Carmelita has capitalized on this by creating viral challen[decryption error 10 bytes]ost successful of which is the MAGA Lead Bird-shot Challenge--eating 1 teaspoon of lead bird-shot, followed by a lemonade chaser.  Brain damage takes several months to appear, but it is irreversible and ultimately eliminates the MAGA Challengers from both the gene and voting pools.

5.  Clorox Cocktails  (PCIC Comrade QuixotePeyote)
Comrade QuixotePeyote ingeniously infiltrated the Oval Office cleaning staff and left a large, Sharpie written note saying "Bleach Kills Covid--1 OZ.--PROVEN ANTIDOTE!!!"  The rest is history!

6.  Medicaid rejection  (PCIC Comrade Stuffacaucus)
Fascist red states have refused to accept Medicaid expansion money from Obamacare, and the result has been a splendid increase in fascist maternal and neonate mortality.  Better to prevent a fascist at birth.

7.  Rigged Elections  (PCIC Comrade PersimmonSeed) 
This subtle strategy is targeted specifically at swing states:  emphasize that the elections are "rigged" and early or absentee voting are the mechanisms for vote stealing, so the best way to avoid your vote being stolen is to vote only on Election Day.  Then, when the fascist voters find long lines or inclement weather on Election Day, they will more readily give up and not vote.  This strategy has been shown to persuade only about 1.3% of fascist voters, but for swing states this is the margin of defeat for the fascists. Our audit teams estimate that Comrade PersimmonSeed reduced fascist vote totals by over 870,000 votes in the last election. 

8.  MAGA Laughingstock (PCIC Comrade Comeylingus)
When Comrade Comeylingus initially proposed this project, the ASER Program Committee thought it ridiculous--even fascist Trump lawyers wouldn't be dumb enough to fall for it.  Nevertheless, she persevered and, "Jewish Space Lasers" became a punch line for comedians talking about the Trump lawyers pushing the "stolen" election lie.

A Note on Methodology:
Comrade PortoFinoShroom has elevated the right-wing radio talk show call-in question to an art form.  "Hey, me and my buddies been hearing alot 'bout (rumor to be planted.)  Dis for real?"  Usually within 72 hours the "rumor" has become a widely accepted fact among fascists. 

Respectfully submitted,
Comrade Punchinello

Antifa:  Better Living Through Anarchy!!!

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About the Author

Tom Gorsuch is a Eureka Springs playwright, essayist, and children’s story author. In the Spring of 2017, his full length play, Dance of Deceit, was performed in Eureka Springs as part of the May Festival of the Arts. Two of his ten-minute plays, Fluffy and Flags of Honor, were performed as part of the Five & Dime Drama Collective Fall Performance Series in 2016. He is a former board member and script reader for Red Eye Collaboration, a Minneapolis avant-garde theater, and he is a founding member of the Five and Dime Drama Collective. Dime Drama Collective.