All at once, here at home, a stinger

A little step in nectar 
and I know I am home
A crooked arrow points me like yellow mandibles on mad honey

Where my mother is waiting in a hive 
And I was born in a pollen basket woven into the skies 

With my hands that rocket towards the doorknob
hallucination from a frothing beebread and a sob 

My mother shutting the door tight
My father finally coming home at night 

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About the Author

Shalini Singh is a third-year multi-genre candidate at Iowa State University, where she is living in the dying prairies, executing craft choices that range from underground narratives to facilitating workshops. She is working on her hybrid thesis and a collection. Recently, her image-texts were exhibited at the Bloom Exhibition at Mainframe Studios in Des Moines, Iowa on the theme of light photography and mental health-wellbeing. Shalini was a lawyer in her previous life, having reviewed books and movies for over a decade.